Click the buttons below to download any (or all) PDFs:
These PDFS are a compilation of Tri-Parish Decluttering Services and Alison's Notebook
Decluttering And Self Care Bingo Challenge
This challenge is designed to make decluttering fun and manageable. Instead of overwhelming yourself with a massive cleanup, we'll take it one step at a time, turning it into a game.
The Ultimate Decluttering Routine
This free guide was designed to give you 7 suggestions for decluttering. It is suggested that you do 1 at least twice a week. Ideal would be 1 every day, you choose when, where and how long, we have only given you the prompt.
Motivation For Decluttering
In this free download you will get 10 suggestions to help you get motivated to declutter.
- Set a timer.
- Start small
- Play a motivational speaker
- Make realistic goals
How To Start Decluttering
You know you have to DECLUTTER, you want to DECLUTTER, but you don't know how to start or where to start. In this 2 plus page PDF I will walk you through the steps you need to take to get back the home you love. Take back the peace and serenity that has been lost. Lose the stress and feel relaxed in your newly DECLUTTERED space.
Declutter For Self Care Checklist
- Discover how to transform your space into a haven of tranquility and order, even with the busiest of schedules.
- Learn how to break the internal roadblocks that keep you from succeeding.
- Discover easy-to-follow steps on how you can create and maintain an actionable, self-loving plan.